- Magnificent interpretative sensitivity and excellent sound Severino Gazzelloni (International Flautist)
- Very musical interpretation, superb sound Raymond Guiot (First Flute of the Opera of Paris)
- Extraordinary musician (Alto Adige – Gi.Bo.)
- An extraordinary solo recital (Il Mattino di Bolzano – A.Sobrero)
- An Ute Lemper of the flute, with a stage presence at once imposing and elegant (Il Tempo – G.P.)
- Great interpretive ability, absolute mastery of her instruments, total command of the stage, the light touch of a star (AltroMolise – Beckmesser)
- Technically perfect and with nice phrasing (Volks-Zeitung- Austria – G-.P.)
- Great colouristic bravura, fine quality and great depth of penetration (ABC – Madrid – F.Cid)
- Effortlessness, lightness, intensity and vigour (General-Anzeiger – Bonn – B. Kaempfer)
- Exellent virtuosity (Il Messaggero Veneto S.Z.)
- Perfect, she has confirmed her talent (Feuille d’Avis – Svizzera – Isa)
Among all the solo works, the concerts which Mozart dedicated to the role of the magical instrument are of great importance: the majestic and fascinating Concert KV313 in G Major, the bubbly Concert KV 314 in D major, both written at the beginning of 1778 at Mannheim, and the delicate Andante in C major KV 315 probably written for another concert which he did not finish, dated Salzburg 1778/79.
Besides this unabridged work, it is important to recall the pages ‘fin du siècle’ by the composer Cécile Chaminade and the watermarked lines of the works by Saint Saens. The French repertoire contains many ideas and suggestions, from the virtuoso adaptation for flute and strings of the opera by Bizet, Fantasia sulla Carmen, to the masterpiece of the 20th century by the wise hand of Jacques Ibert.
The double concert by Erwin Schulhoff, an author of the 20th century among the victims of the Holocaust who died at a young age: his language is very extensive, where flute and piano face a challenging role of great charm as soloists.
The baroque period includes many precious and unique solo pieces with string orchestras, from the famous Suite n.2 by J.S. Bach, to the fresh Italian creativity of the op. 10 by Antonio Vivaldi (unabridged made up of 6 concerts) and the beautiful pages by Telemann, Haendel and Quantz which have developed a wide literature focused on the flute.
Contemporary works which have been specially written for the flautist or dedicated to her (Prangcharoen, Lombardi), are alongside the concert for flute and oboe by Ligeti and other music compositions of today, such as the beautiful Flotenkonzert op. 11 by the Viennese Rainer Bischof.
Repertoire (PDF)
Programmes (PDF)
Piano: Bruno Canino, Philippe Entremont, Aurora Sabia, Johannes Kropfitsch
Luisa Sello’s duo repertoire is very large and covers different styles and periods of time, from the beginning of the 19th century to the more advanced forms of expressions included in contemporary music, written under the flautist’s commission.
The programme is organized according to different themes, projects and to the specific abilities of each partner; in this way there may be pieces and programmes which are new or which belong to the repertoire, but which share a common attention for phrasing and for the joy of making music together.
Programmes & Curriculum (PDF)
Classic & Jazz (PDF)
The works of four very different composers- Guiot, De Angelis, Piazzolla, Bolling – have one major element in common, the attention towards the so-called “Jazz language”. They all emphasize the role of an instrument which is not very widespread in the Afro-american area but has gained popularity in the more educated European environment. Sensual sonorities of the minimal combo are provided by the rich rhythms of piano, bass and drums.
J. S. Bach (PDF)
Back To Bach (PDF)
Due to a great interest in the Johan Sebastian Bach production, Luisa Sello has carried out particular interpretative studies with the organist Sergio Gaggia, an expert of Bach’s works. Then she has studied more thoroughly the historical flute with Stephen Preston in order to be able to transfer elements of stylistic diction and execution to the modern flute. A modern interpretation of the baroque style emerges without ignoring executive practice.
Pierrot Solaire (PDF)
Repertoir (PDF)
Equipment Required (PDF)
Scenic instrumental concert
Luisa Sello, flutes and scenic conception
Ute Lemper, flautist, an important scenic presence which results elegant at the same time
(Il Tempo, 1 ottobre 2002, G.P.)
..great interpretative skills, an absolute mastery with musical instruments, dominant control of the scene, lightness of an étoile, the musician has definitely conquered the public…
(AltroMolise, www. access on 1-10-2002 – Beckmesser)
Besides solo activities, Luisa Sello also plays in chamber ensembles where the personality of the flautist and of groups with great musical experiences meet and intertwine . Since 1995 she has been playing with the Jess Trio Wien; recently she has also started to work together with the Quartetto Prazak, where an equally intense and great musical union and harmony is created.
Jana Vonášková e Vlastimil Holek, violins, Josef Kluson, viola, Michal Kanka, cello
23/04/2025 7.00pm
Musikverein Salon Boesendorfer
Luisa Sello (flute)
Bruno Canino (piano)
Music by Milhaud, Eben, Tassman, Dvorak, Bischof
11/04/2025 7.00pm
Sureya Opera @ Aromsa Chamber Orchestra Istanbul
Luisa Sello (flute)
Carl Stamitz (flute)
Concerto in Gmajor
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
13/02/2025 7.00pm
Bulgaria Hall
Philharmonic Orchestra
Luisa Sello (flute)
Orhan Salliel (conductor)
Music by Doppler, Bizet/Borne, Ciaikovski
ROME (Italy)
02/02/2025 5.30pm
CLASSIC & JAZZ - "Relazioni costanti" @ Teatro dei Ginnasi (via delle Botteghe Oscure 42)
Roberto Cappello (pianoforte)
Luisa Sello (flauto)
Paolo Paolo Benelli (contrabbasso)
Alfredo Romeo (batteria)
Music by Milhaud, Gershwin, Bolling, Beatles, Piazzolla.
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
09/12/2024 5.30pm
International Forum - Festival «Computer Music Space-Electroacoustic Autumn-Sofia 2024» New Bulgarian University / Department of Music GALLERY NBU
Music by Gheorghi Arnaoudov, Albena Petrovic, Simo Lazarov
(first world performance).
VIENNA (Austria)
Baumgartner Theater
Slovak Radio Symphony
Mozart – Flute Concerto No. 1 KV 313
SALZBURG (Austria)
Mozarteum Big Hall
Slovak Radio Symphony
Mozart – Flute Concerto No. 1 KV 313
BRASOV (Romania)
Philharmonic Orchestra
Doppler – Hungarian Fantasy
26/11/2024 5:30pm
Palazzo Albrizzi Capello
Luisa Sello and Penderecki Quartet – Italian Tour
Music by Ginastera, Kanin, Mozart, Monti, Boccherini, Rota
25/11/2024 9:30pm
Ritz Hotel - Sala degli Specchi
Luisa Sello and Penderecki Quartet – Italian Tour
Music by Ginastera, Kanin, Mozart, Monti, Boccherini, Rota
ROMA (Italy)
22/11/2024 5:00pm
Ambasciata della Repubblica di Bulgaria - Via Pietro Paolo Rubens, 21
Luisa Sello and Penderecki Quartet – Italian Tour
Music by Ginastera, Kanin, Mozart, Monti, Boccherini, Rota
BARI (Italy)
21/11/2024 8:30pm
Teatro Petruzzelli - Sala delle Muse
Luisa Sello and Penderecki Quartet – Italian Tour
Music by Ginastera, Kanin, Mozart, Monti, Boccherini, Rota
20/11/2024 7:00pm
Auditorium Pertini Santoni
Luisa Sello and Penderecki Quartet – Italian Tour
Music by Ginastera, Kanin, Mozart, Monti, Boccherini, Rota
MILANO (Italy)
19/11/2024 5:00pm
Museo del ‘900 - Hall Forum 900
Luisa Sello and Penderecki Quartet – Italian Tour
Music by Ginastera, Kanin, Mozart, Monti, Boccherini, Rota
14/11/2024 7:00pm
Luisa Sello (flute), Janos Balint (flute), Fernando Perez Herrero (piano)
Music by Doppler, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Kuhlau
BARI (Italy)
04/11/2024 9:00pm
Circolo Unione - Teatro Petruzzelli
Duo Sello-Canino
Music by Bach, Beethoven, Milhaud, Ibert, Poulenc
03/11/2024 6:30pm
Palazzo di Città - Sala degli Specchi
Duo Sello-Canino
Music by Bach, Beethoven, Milhaud, Ibert, Poulenc
ROMA (Italy)
01/11/2024 9:00pm
St. Andrew Church – via XX Settembre
Duo Sello-Canino
Music by Bach, Beethoven, Ibert, Dvorak
31/10/2024 6:00pm
Rassegna ‘I Bemolli sono blu’ - Chiesa di San Silvestro
Duo Sello-Canino
Music by Bach, Schubert, Fauré, Ibert, Poulenc
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
26/10/2024 7:00pm
Teatro Oksankanawa - Varbitsa Ul. 12
Vidin Philharmonic Orchestra
Music by Vivaldi, Rota
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
New Bulgarian University - Montevideo 21
PhD Course in Flute Performance
VIDIN (Bulgaria)
Vidin Philharmonic Orchestra
Music by Morricone, Piazzolla, Rota
AMT DER KÄRNTNER LANDESREGIERUNG – Unterabteilung Musikschulen und Konzerthaus
Mießtaler Straße 6, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
LECCE (Italy)
06/10/2024 6:30pm
Ex Chiesa di San Francesco della Scarpa - Piazzetta Carducci
‘Transmutation’ – Closing Concert of Contemporary Art Exhibition by Carla Sello
Luisa Sello (flute)
Music by Selby, Sollini, Debussy, Clarke
05/10/2024 9:00pm
Teatro Traetta - Festival Traetta
Trio Haydn (Luisa Sello, Elena Cecconi – flutes, Cristina Nadal – cello)
Music by Haydn, Sammartini, Corazza, Sello
02/10/2024 8:00pm
Casino Primitivo de Albacete
Duo Luisa Sello (flute), Antonio Soria (piano)
Music by Bach, Ravel, Fauré, Mozart, Williams
CUENCA (Spain)
01/10/2024 8:30pm
Teatro Auditorio de Cuenca José Luis Perales (Sala Theo Ancantara)
Duo Luisa Sello (flute), Antonio Soria (piano)
Music by Bach, Ravel, Fauré, Mozart, Williams
LOMZA (Poland)
29/09/2024 1:00pm
Witold Lutosławski Chamber Philharmonic
Concerti by Vivaldi and Bach
ROMA (Italy)
26/09/2024 6:30pm
Piazza Navona, Chiesa di Sant’Agnese in Agone
Duo Sello-Canino
Music by Milhaud, Dvorak, Eben, Beethoven
BUDAPEST (Hungary)
18/09/2024 7:00pm
Liszt Hall
Szolnok Symphony Orchestra
F. Doppler – Hungarian Pastoral Fantasy
VIENNA (Austria)
17/09/2024 3:30pm
Szolnok Symphony Orchestra
F. Doppler – Hungarian Pastoral Fantasy
GIRONA (Spain)
Luisa Sello (flute), Andrea Bacchetti (piano)
Music by Bach, Bellini, Rossini, Bizet
01/08/2024 2:45pm / 3:30pm
52nd Annual National Flute Association Convention
Luisa Sello – Invited Artist by NFA
Workshop: “Quadrifoglio/Clover”
Recital per flauto e archi
Luisa Sello and members of the National Philharmonic Orchestra
Music by Mozart, Boccherini, Ginastera, Sivilotti, Rota
ANIKSIHI (Lituania)
Recital per flauto e archi
Luisa Sello and members of the National Philharmonic Orchestra
Music by Mozart, Boccherini, Ginastera
VIENNA (Austria)
27/05/2024 7.00pm
Trio Bernini @ Salon Boesendorfer - Musikverein
GRADO (Italy)
25/05/2024 7.00pm
@ Basilica di Sant'Eufemia
Naonis Donatello string orchestra – cond. Nurhan Arman,
Luisa Sello (flute soloist),
“Friuli and Serenissima”
Music by Vivaldi, Sivilotti, Corazza
FASANO (Italy)
05/05/2024 7.00pm
Recital @ Stagione FasanoMusica 2024
Luisa Sello and Bruno Canino
Music by Bach, Beethoven, Rossini, Rota
PRAGUE (Czech Republic)
04/05/2024 8.00pm
@ Smetana Hall, Praha
North Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
Luisa Sello (flauto),
Franz Doppler Hungarian Fantasy
PLOVDIV (Bulgaria)
Flute Master class @ National School of Music and Dance “Dobrin Petkov”
15/04/2024 5.30pm
Trio Flute Fusion @ Hotel Abbano Ritz - Sala degli Specchi
Mihi Kim, Luisa Sello, Martina Silvester (Miyazawa Ladies)
Music by Beethoven, Piazzolla, Boismortier, Hendrix, Ghidoni, Baratello
13/04/2024 5.30pm
Trio Flute Fusion @ Palazzo Albrizzi Capello
Mihi Kim, Luisa Sello, Martina Silvester (Miyazawa Ladies)
Music by Beethoven, Piazzolla, Boismortier, Hendrix, Ghidoni, Baratello
11/04/2024 9.00pm
Eric Lederhandler (direttore),
Luisa Sello (flauto solista),
Orchestra del Teatro Goldoni
Musiche di M. Ravel, W. A. Mozart, F. Poulenc
ALMERIA (Spagna)
Luisa Sello (flauto),
Nieves Sánchez Camacho (pianoforte)
Musiche di Mozart, Schubert/Bohem, Rossini, Casella, Saint Saens, Poulenc
CHIANG RAI (Tailandia)
01/04/2024 9.00am-12.00pm
Master class @ Payap University
Luisa Sello and Mihi Kim (flauto),
Cristina Nadal (cello),
Aurora Sabia (piano)
CHIANG RAI (Tailandia)
31/03/2024 7.00pm
@ CRK Recital Hall-College of Music Payap University (Kaew-nawarat campus)
Luisa Sello (flauto and concept),
Mihi Kim (flauto),
Cristina Nadal (cello),
Aurora Sabia (piano),
Chaipruck Mekara (clarinet)
Tribal girls of ‘Odelette Ensemble’ in Chiang Saen (music and dance)
Musiche di Donizetti, Doppler, Haydn, Piazzolla, Shostakovich
CHIANG RAI (Tailandia)
30/03/2024 7.00pm
@ Chainarai Riverside - Srijomthong Hall
Luisa Sello and friends (flauto and concept) for ODELETTE
Mihi Kim (flauto),
Cristina Nadal (cello),
Aurora Sabia (piano)
Chiang Rai Youth Orchestra,
Paramet Odd Lerdkasem (conductor),
Chiang Saen “Odelette Ensemble”
Musiche di Donizetti, Doppler, Haydn, Piazzolla, Tortora, Vivaldi
BANGKOK (Tailandia)
27/03/2024 4.00pm
@ Villa Nat - Sala Sudasiri Sobha
Trio Luisa Sello (flauto), Mihi Kim (flauto), Aurora Sabia (pianoforte)
Musiche di Busoni, Doppler, Mozart
BANGKOK (Tailandia)
27/03/2024 9.00am-12.00pm
Flute Master Classat Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music
PARIGI (Francia)
24/03/2024 3.00pm
Trio Flute Fusion @ Église Notre Dame de Boulogne
Mihi Kim, Luisa Sello, Martina Silvester (Miyazawa Ladies)
Musiche di Telemann, Boismortier, Petz
18/03/2024 9.30pm
@ Abano Ritz Hotel, Sala degli specchi
Luisa Sello (flauto), Miryam Dal Don (violino), Maria Grazia Bellocchio (pianoforte)
Musiche di Prokofiew, Bach, Martinu
VENEZIA (Italia)
16/03/2024 5.30pm
@ Palazzo Albrizzi
Luisa Sello (flauto), Miryam Dal Don (violino), Maria Grazia Bellocchio (pianoforte)
Musiche di Prokofiew, Bach, Martinu
UDINE (Italia)
15/03/2024 8.00pm
"Festival dei Tiepolo" - "Tiepolo Ensemble" @ Chiesa delle Zitelle
Musiche di Mozart and Haydn
UDINE (Italia)
11/03/2024 7.00pm
"Festival dei Tiepolo" - Water Flutes Waves – G. F. Haendel "Water music" @ Chiesa delle Zitelle
ALFAS DEL PI’ (Spagna)
09/03/2024 8.00pm
Centre Social de l’Albir
Luisa Sello (flauto), Dimitri Mattu (viola), Angela Oliviero (pianoforte)
Musiche di Mozart, Beethoven, Bloch, Vieuxtemps
UDINE (Italia)
07/03/2024 6.15pm
Conferenza "Muse, musiciste, compagne musicali" @ Palazzo Torriani, Via Zanon 24, Udine
Organizzata dall’Università Popolare
ISTANBUL (Turchia)
03/03/2024 11.00am
Orchestra da Camera di Istanbul
Luisa Sello (Flauto solista)
Musiche di Mozart, Carl Stamitz
ASTANA (Kazakhstan)
01/03/2024 8.30pm
Orchestra Filarmonica Nazionale di Stato
Luisa Sello (Flauto solista), direttore Vito Clemente
Musiche di Ferruccio Busoni, Franz Doppler, Raffaele Gervasio, Kurt Weill
VIENNA (Austria)
20/02/2024 7.00pm
Duo Estroverso @ Sechschimmel Gallery
Luisa Sello (flauto e voce), Cristina Nadal (violoncello e voce)
Musiche di Reza Vali, Federico Garcia, Gerhard Habl, J. S. Bach, Arcangelo Corelli
MILANO (Italia)
13/02/2024 5.00pm
Duo Sello-Canino @ Museo del '900, Sala Fonata
Luisa Sello e Bruno Canino presentano il nuovo CD Dynamic “20th-century Mitteleuropean Flute Music”.
Musiche di Ernst Heinrich Křenek (1900-1991) Emil František Burian (1904-1959) Paul Dessau (1894-1979) Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951)
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
07/02/2024 6.00pm
Concerto @ Gallery della New Bulgarian University
Mario Hossen (violino), Luisa Sello (flauto), Milena Mollova (pianoforte)
Musiche di J.S.Bach, Rainer Bischof, F. Poulenc
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
06/02/2024 6.30pm
Orchestra filarmonica di Vidin @ Boulevard Cherni Vrah 4, 1421 Losanette
Luisa Sello (flauto solista), direttore Peter Dimitrov
Musiche di Ferruccio Busoni e Franz Doppler
BANGKOK (Tailandia)
04/02/2024 7.00pm
Duo Recital @ Villa Nat
Luisa Sello (flauto), Nat Yontararak (pianoforte)
Musiche di Donizetti, Rossini,Gluck, Bizet, Bach, Mozart
CHIANG MAI (Tailandia)
28/01/2024 6.00pm
Concerto con la Youth String Orchestra e le bambine tribali di Chiang Saen.
VIDIN (Bulgaria)
26/01/2024 6.30pm
Orchestra Filarmonica di Vidin
Luisa Sello (flauto solista), direttore Peter Dimitrov
Musiche di Ferruccio Busoni e Franz Doppler
20/01/2024 5.30pm
Trio Haydn @ Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello
Luisa Sello e Elena Cecconi (flauti), Cristina Nadal (violoncello)
Musiche di Haydn, Mozart, Sammartini
26_30 Agosto 2024
8th Talent Summer Courses&Festival
Master class for Flute (Soloists and Soloist&orchestra)
Talent Summer Courses
Soloist: Active Students: 570 Euro (including 100 Euro of registration fee and piano accompaniment)
Duo: Active: 750 Euro (including 200 Euro registration fee for two persons)
Trio:Active: 950 Euro (including 300 Euro registration fee for three persons)
At Talent Music Summer Courses and Opera & Festival each student will receive 3 hours of lessons in 4 lessons of 45 minutes each with the chosen professor and all the students can have the possibility to perform in public evening concerts.
The Talent Music Summer Courses and Opera & Festival will also give the opportunity to few selected students to perform with orchestra. The selected repertoire with orchestra will be published soon on our website.
During the course week all the interested students will also have the possibility to participate in the Concerto Audition Solo Competition, in which it will be selected the best student of the week. Beyond this title, the winner will also have the opportunity to win a scholarship of 800 Euros.
UDINE (Italy)
20_25 Agosto 2024
International Music Campus
Master class di Flauto, Musica da Camera, concerti
Masterclass di flauto / Flute Masterclass € 350.00
Uditore € 50.00 (costo giornaliero € 20.00) Iscrizione € 30.00
Masterclass fee € 350.00 Iscription € 30.00
Auditor € 50.00 (daily cost € 20.00)
Accommodation single room with bathroom € 40.00 daily
Start 20 August 2024 at 10am
Via Tomadini 30A – Conference Room – Udine (Italy)
VIENNA (Austria)
7_10 Agosto 2023
Summer Flute Course
Flute Master and concerts in Maria Hilfe Kirche
LUXEMBOURG (Luxembourg)
28_31 Luglio 2023
35th International Forum
SOFIA (Bulgaria)
PhD / Dottorato in "Flute Performance" @ New Bulgarian University
Nuove iscrizioni entro 1 febbraio 2023 (da 3 a 6 semestri)
Music Academy De Grazia
Corso Annuale di Studi Avanzati
Il Corso Si Articola In 6 Incontri Di 2 Giorni Ciascuno, Con Lezioni Individuali (45+45):
12/06/2022 Concerto Finale Studenti
BRUNO CANINO Pianoforte Annuale
LUISA SELLO Flauto Annuale
Il Corso Di Flauto Prevede Anche Dei Master Class Affiancati Con Maestri Internazionali:
ANDRAS ADORJAN Flauto Master Class
CARLO JANS Master Class Flauto
Al Temine Verra ‘Consegnato Un Diploma Di Frequenza E Gli Studenti Piu’ Meritevoli Saranno Invitati A Tenere Un Concerto Presso Il Palazzo De Grazia.
Master Class singoli € 230 effettivi (€ 70 uditori)
Corso annuale € 900 (pianoforte e flauto)
Coloro che frequentano il corso annuale di flauto possono partecipare come attivi (€ 120) e come uditori (gratuiti) alle altre masterclass.
Anticipo di € 50 sul costo di frequenza (non rimborsabile, ad esclusione ragioni covid) deve essere pagata entro 10 giorni prima dell’inizio dei singoli Master class ed entro il 15 novembre 2020 per il Corso annuale
Bonifico bancario intestato a: Casa delle Arti
Cassa Rurale del FVG IBAN: IT53L0862212403008000001837– BIC / SWIFT: CCRTIT2T96
- 389 466 9121 / 389-4669121 (from 5.00pm to 7.00pm)
- Palazzo De Grazia - Via Oberdan 15 - 34170 Gorizia (Italia)
VIENNA (Austria)
01/07 agosto 2022
Sommer Akademie Orpheus - Flute Master class /
concerts in Maria Hilfe Kirche
UDINE (Italy)
23_28 agosto 2022
International Music Campus - Flute Master, chamber music and concerts
Accomodation (in the same College of the courses)
20th Century
Middle European Flute Music
for flute and piano
- Ernst Heinrich Křenek "Suite"
- Emil František Burian Ztracené "Serenády" (First world recording)
- Paul Dessau "Guernica" for piano
- Arnold Schönberg "Sonate" for flute and piano (nach dem Bläserquintett op.26 1923-1924 bearbeitet von Felix Greissle)
Dynamic – CDS7995
Themes & Variations
for flute and piano
- Ignaz Moscheles Variations concertantes op. 21 (First world recording)
- L. van Beethoven Sechs Variierte Themen Opus 105
- Richard Strauss Introduction, Thema und Variationen (First world recording)
- Franz Schubert Sechs Lieder (Arrangiert von Theobald Böhm)
19th and 20th Century French Music With Flute
Live Recordings
- A. Roussel - Joueurs de flûte Op.27
- C. Debussy - Syrinx, for flute
- M. Sollini - À la manière de....Bach Op.42, for flute
- M. Sollini - Canzona op.39, for flute and piano
- C. Chaminade - Piece Romantique Op.9
- G. Tailleferre - Pastorale
A. Honegger - Danse de la Chèvre H39
- Mel Bonis - Una flûte soupire Op.121
- J. Ibert - Piece, for flute
- C. Saint-Saëns - Romance Op. 37
- F. Poulenc - Sonata
UPC/EAN code: 0746160914541
Disc code: C00621
Serenade for Ludwig
Flute Chamber Music
Ludwig van Beethoven
Dynamic S.r.l. – 2020 CDS7886
J. S. Bach
Le Sonate concertanti for flute and piano
Johann Sebastian Bach
Stradivarius – 2018 STR 37095
Lebič, Ramovš, Petrić, Merkù, Vhrunc
RTV Slovenija Ljubljana, Slovenija – 2004

D. Cimarosa
Concert for two flutes and orchestra
Soloists – Luisa Sello, Derek Jones, The Chamber Orchestra at St Paul’s, Michael Woods (Melbourne 2018)

G. Donizetti
Sonata for flute and piano
Luisa Sello, Bruno Canino (Sofia 2018)

Ch. W. Gluck
Dance of the Blessed Spirits
Wiener Konzert Verein

C. Chaminade
Concertino op. 109 for flute and orchestra
Rijeka/Fiume – Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” – Cond. Igor Vlainic

C. Stamitz
Concerto in G major

L. Sello
Echi della Mongolia
Luisa Sello flute and tape (Cordoba 2018)

C. Bolling
Suite for flute and Jazz Trio

CPE Bach
Flute concerto in D minor (3rd mov)
Camerata Orphica, Nayden Todorov (Wien 2019)

M. Ravel

W.A. Mozart
Flute Concerto KV 313
Wiener Konzert Verein

C. Saint Saens
Odelette op. 162 for flute and orchestra
Rijeka/Fiume – Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” – Cond. Igor Vlainic

Popular Song from Friuli
Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine

A. Roussel
Joueurs de flute

V. Bellini/Galli
Fantasia sulla "norma" op. 168